Dr. Lora Wolph, B.A., D.C., Dipl.Med.Ac.(IAMA)
Dr. Clay W. Wolph, D.C., Dipl.Med.Ac.(IAMA)
The first question most people ask...."Does it hurt?" The answer is NO. The needles used in acupuncture are so thin you can barely see them, unlike the needles you are used to. If someone is still afraid of needles we offer alternative methods to stimulate the acupuncture points such as teishein or electric stimulation, all of which are painless. The treatment is used to move energy through the body's energy channels called meridians. Acupuncture is used every day in our office to help patients with arthritic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, smoking, appetite, fertility, digestive disorders....just to name a few. The initial exam includes a consultation to determine your health concerns and any medical information you may have. We then perform treatment needed in order to balance your meridians and improve your overall health.
Acupuncture is an add-on service to manage symptoms and restore balance during the process of healing that we offer along with chiropractic care.
"Most patients find the process to be very relaxing and leave feeling uplifted." - Dr. Lora Wolph
Dr. Clay W. Wolph, D.C., Dipl.Med.Ac.(IAMA)
The first question most people ask...."Does it hurt?" The answer is NO. The needles used in acupuncture are so thin you can barely see them, unlike the needles you are used to. If someone is still afraid of needles we offer alternative methods to stimulate the acupuncture points such as teishein or electric stimulation, all of which are painless. The treatment is used to move energy through the body's energy channels called meridians. Acupuncture is used every day in our office to help patients with arthritic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, smoking, appetite, fertility, digestive disorders....just to name a few. The initial exam includes a consultation to determine your health concerns and any medical information you may have. We then perform treatment needed in order to balance your meridians and improve your overall health.
Acupuncture is an add-on service to manage symptoms and restore balance during the process of healing that we offer along with chiropractic care.
"Most patients find the process to be very relaxing and leave feeling uplifted." - Dr. Lora Wolph